During our visit to Tilbury town through the observation module what caught my interest was the ‘e’ waste recycling plants. I began research on the recycling process in an effort to understand where all the waste was being generated from and what happened to it after reaching these recycling plants. What I found was that most of the waste collected is exported to developing countries where it then finally stays, contaminating soil and water. This is where I felt the role of the designer becomes one with a huge responsibility. Better design can help solve issues such as these. This module has made me more conscious of environmental problems and sustainability and I would like to take this learning forward into my context module.
Also during our systems module we explore a lot with reusing waste material. I took this exploration a step further into the development of structures made out of reused material. I explored with pizza box bases and found that these could be used to create structures for products of daily use.

My exploration during the system and workshop modules led me to, studying regular pattern and the freeform. I went on to using single elements piled on to each other repeatedly to create freeform volume. I observed that small elements are beneficial to create freeform and curve shape, the piling also produces a repeat pattern. My intention is to explore further with this finding, to achieve diversity shapes of elements with which to create patterns and spaces.

Zero to me is all about sustainability in design (in my case fashion). I was very much interested to cut down waste during the design development as a designer and future waste (once the
product is being used by the consumer).
e.g. As a designer we go through a lot of prototyping long before a product reaches the market. All those prototypes cost a lot more in energy to recycle then if we would just try to develop in a energy saving way.
So to stay true to my concept in Zero I have started to work on Ideation in digitized form.
However, still focusing on the issue of the impact of our actions and how the feeling of
emotional/physical isolation can be overcome.
Following are some examples of my Ideation work:

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